Sunday, March 23, 2008

"Potter, you've got yourself a girlfriend!" drawled Malfoy.

So it's true.  Her name is Julia and if you are blind, which means that someone else is reading you this because I don't know how to type in braille, she is absolutely beautiful!  We met more or less through church, but our families are all friends.  So here is a little background info.  I have been praying for/wanting a very specific type of girl for a really long time and have wasted many hours and lots of money on girls who promised things that they would never deliver.  I have almost always wanted a very dedicated and loving girl.  I don't much like dating casually (and keeping it at that level) because to me it is denying the relationship so much potential for love and commitment.  A lot of girls have told me that they want a relationship, but as soon as they realize that a relationship means a serious commitment, sacrifice and vulnerability, they tend to run the other way.  I think this probably has a lot to do with just being immature.  So because I have wanted a relationship, and not just a relationship but something that meant a lot and something that I could really commit to and receive from just as much as I gave to, I was feeling like it was never going to happen because I wasn't having any luck.  So after praying and searching I unexpectedly ended up talking to Julia every night for a little over a week until we decided to start hanging out.  She wants exactly the same thing that I want in a relationship and is way more than I ever expected, especially at this early stage of our relationship.  I think when you find someone who is perfect for you, you realize it right away.  I've never met a girl who I could just talk to for hours without really knowing anything about her.  We have probably spent more time talking than anything and I love it.  Above all things however, she loves the Lord and loves that I love the Lord.  I really can't think of a more perfect rock to build a relationship upon.  It's been really cool how the Lord has worked stuff out as well, she wants to move in the exact same direction as I do as far as a career and a family, she loves dance and music and I love art and music, she lives in Marietta and I just so happen to be moving back to Marietta for a summer and at least a semester... things have come together perfectly.  So as it is I couldn't be happier.  I guess it goes to show that persistence reaps great benefits.  Life is good...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

this is great pat! i'm happy for you. as my sister would say, "yay love!" :)

ps i'm next.

pps the secret code i had to type in to post this comment was "stciche" which made me think of "stache." irrelevant but slightly awesome.